Accreditation process

Our Accreditation Process

Once you've registered to the Platform Partner Programme, you'll need to become accredited. This accreditation process will vary depending on how you want to engage with us. It will help you familiarise yourself with our API services and solutions. This way, you can build a scalable and purposeful solution that benefits our community.

We are live with our Platform Partner Enabler model, and are currently accepting new third party applications. We're still creating our Ancillary model, and hope to launch it later in 2022. But, if you're interested in this model, get in touch to learn more.

Steps to joining the programme

Theoretical and technical
  • Self-learn SWIFT APIs, SDK and/or Microgateway

    Sit a SWIFT knowledge exam

  • Develop and test in our API Sandbox

    Build and test your API-enabled solution

  • Propose architecture topology

    Validate your overall solution design

  • Functional testing of partner service

    Complete test use cases and demo functionality of your service

  • Approval to promote App to Live environment

    Gain access to production API

NOTE: Participation in SWIFT partner programmes subject to applicable terms & conditions.