Version 4.0 Dev
Version 3.1 Live



KYC Registry is a shared platform for managing and exchanging a standardised set of KYC (Know Your Customer) data and supporting documentation.

SWIFT provides a centralized repository for financial institutions and corporate clients to manage their due diligence information in one single location. This gives customers flexibility, security and convenience in obtaining and exchanging bilateral KYC information across the platform.

In order to use this API, the consumer institution must be an existing KYC Registry customer, should have established KYC relationships with other users of the registry and must be subscribed to the KYC Registry API.




Versioning information

As of December 2021, the previous versions of the KYC Registry API (v1 & v2) are deprecated.

As of Q4 2022, API v4 will be available to support NBFI entities' consumption via the KYC Registry API.

API v3 will remain supported until April 2023.


Types of KYC Registry API

KYC Registry API v3 provides seven distinct API calls ranging from automating the sending of KYC Registry access requests to downloading counterparty entities' KYC data and documents.

Access Request API V2 V3

Create entity-to-entity access requests to increase the number of your counterparties


Use the Access Request API to send profile access requests to your counterparty entities.

All Entities Listing API V3

Retrieve a list of all KYC Registry entities


Connect to the All Entities Listing API to obtain a list of all KYC Registry entities that have joined the registry since your selected date.


My Entities Listing API V2 V3

Retrieve a list of your own entities on the KYC Registry


Connect to the My Listing API to obtain a list of your own KYC group’s entities.

Counterparty Entities Listing API V2 V3

Retrieve a list of all your counterparties on the KYC Registry


Connect to the Counterparty Listing API to obtain a list of all your KYC relationships.


Data Retrieval API V2 V3

Retrieve the data points and the list of supporting documents from the latest KYC profile of a specific entity


Connect to the Data Retrieval API to obtain the data points and the list of available supporting documents from your KYC counterparties’ profiles.

Profile Retrieval API V2 V3

Retrieve the most current KYC profile including all profile data and supporting documents of a specific entity


Connect to the Profile Retrieval API and define the entity you require. This API enables you to download an entire KYC profile including the selected entity’s supporting documents.


Document Retrieval API V2 V3

Retrieve individual supporting documents from the latest KYC profile of a specific entity


Connect to the Document Retrieval API to download supporting documents from your KYC counterparties’ profiles.


Optionally, you can configure a specific date range to retrieve updated information using some of the KYC Registry API consumption calls (All Entities Listing API, My Entities Listing API, Counterparty Entities Listing API, Data Retrieval API and Profile Retrieval API). You may use the input parameter “last-published-since” to configure the APIs to only retrieve updated information since the selected date.



Get started with this API today

follow the step-by-step guide